■Nigeria have comparative advantage in agricultural production of Soybean in the Ecological zones of Guinea Savanna – Benue trough and Sesame seeds in the Mountain...
■Being criticised and having one’s motives questioned are unpleasant but inevitable aspects of leadership, great leaders are not immune to criticism they receive most venomous...
■ The greatness of an Organisation or a Nation will be directly proportional to the greatness/quality of its leader. It’s rare for an organisation...
■ Various government in Africa should embrace the AGILE Project. It’s a world Bank intervention project designed to improve education opportunity among girls in...
■ Water crisis in Nigeria evokes the famous paradox of “Water, Water every but non to drink” the rime of ancient Mariner – Samuel Taylor...
■ PONMO- The gelatinous alternative product in the food value chain of Hide/Skin as become a delicacy of sort in the menu of not only...
■ Cassava flour can be processed into two major derivatives : •Cassava flour used as an adjunct in wheat flour milling, Food filler /fibre or...
…….@WufasAgronet, we are Food Security (processing) Advocates. ✅Earned FAO, WFP(WA), ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION. Top Fan barges. ✅Member NAAJ, PAAJ, IFAJ & AFAN. ✅Consultancy Services in Human...
……@WufasAgronet, we are Food Security (processing) Advocates. ✅Earned FAO, WFP(WA), ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION Top fan barges. ✅ Member NAAJ, PAAJ, IFAJ & AFAN. ✅Consultancy Services in...
■ Post harvest On-the farm processing is abysmally low in the developing nation due to lack of knowledge in the ‘rudimentary’ Food processing technology thereby...